Anxiety and Phase of Life Difficulties

Anxiety and Phase of Life Difficulties

You’re stuck and you just don’t know what to do about it. It is hard enough to get out of bed everyday but choosing a path for your life seems impossible and drains you of the limited amount of energy and motivation that you have to begin with. Other people can complete daily tasks and chart a life course without overwhelming anxiety, so you conclude that obviously that means there must be something wrong with you. Maybe you can even pinpoint an exact situation or time in your life that sent you spiraling into anxiety, forcing you to become someone you do not even recognize.

You are exhausted with the constant “un” words that attack your mind on a daily basis- unwanted, unworthy, unliked, unsuccessful, and on and on and on. You decide that enough is enough. You are tired of allowing anxiety to take away things, relationships, and opportunities that are important to you. There is hope, I can help.

lonely, hiding, sad

“These lies-I'm helpless, I'm worthless, I'm unlovable- shape our thinking, our emotions, and the way we respond to the world around us. They trap us in their cycle of distraction and distortion and pain, preventing us from recognizing the trust we should believe”

Jennie Allen